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Research Areas

The Center for Applied Therapeutics encompasses a broad array of research activities involved in the development, preclinical testing, and clinical testing of novel therapies targeting cancer or precancerous conditions.  Collectively, the Center for Applied Therapeutics consists of over 30 individuals ranging from senior scientists to post-doctoral fellows, which serves as a robust environment for research activity in a broad array of applied therapeutics.

Pipetting Samples and Test Tube

Translational Sciences

Our center prioritizes investigations of basic cancer biology and behavior with multiple laboratories specializing in studies of different cancers and the development of multiple tumor models.

Lyerly Lab
Hartman Lab
Snyder Lab
Science Lab

Clinical Sciences

Laboratories within the center span the gamut of scientific disciplines and techniques, allowing for true bench-to-bedside science. This approach permits clinical investigations, in the form of multiple Phase I/II clinical trials. Scientific assessment of clinical specimens from these studies allows for their refinement and defines our mission in developing applied therapeutics.

Lyerly Lab
Hartman Lab

Basic Sciences

Our center prioritizes investigations of basic cancer biology and behavior with multiple laboratories specializing in studies of different cancers and the development of multiple tumor models.

Snyder Lab
Hartman Lab
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Population Sciences

Environmental Health Scholars
International/Global Studies

The environment has a critical influence over multiple aspects of human health. Using population based scientific methods, laboratories within the center are determining which environmental influences can alter human health with the goal of guiding policies to mitigate realized negative impacts. Within our center we have established an environmental health scholars program to support these studies as well as alternative studies focused on international/global approaches.

Environmental Health Scholars Program
Krauchanka Lab
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